Friday, August 28, 2015

Unlike-Minded Connections: Hollywood and Harvard

What can engage all learners across cultures? Stories! Stories whether they are fact or fiction, popular or not, are a proven method of pedagogy. Storytelling can engage a universal audience, and Hollywood has proven this time after time.
Storytelling has universal appeal, and what is more, according to a recent study from the University of London, the human brain is hardwired with basic emotions. People may communicate differently, but they share emotions; therefore, the only thing that is really different is our experiences.
In the past storytelling was associated with children or entertainment, and therefore, never taken seriously as a way to learn, but storytelling was the only way to learn from the beginning of time, until new technologies came about in education, replacing the ancient tradition.
Neuroscientists agree that our brain is hardwired for storytelling. Storytelling is something that the brain does naturally. Cognitive science shows that experience framed as a story is easier to remember. Most of us agree that facts are hard to remember; however, we can store or recall facts a lot easier when they are put into a story mode. We now realize the importance of storytelling in education.
Loveable canine stars on television have taught us some of life’s greatest lessons. Some of the best dogs are from television shows like Lassie, Snoopy, and Scooby Doo. And, who has the coolest blog? Well, me, stupid!

With lovingkindness,

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Live by Design

Take responsibility for your life and stop blaming your circumstances on others. We often give away our power to our circumstances. Joy exists within us and cannot be found outside ourselves. Our deep feelings are a reflection of what is going on within us, rather than a reaction to our outside circumstances.

By dealing with are emotions, not avoiding them, we address the root of the problem, and our suffering goes away. When we don’t want to deal with something we become a victim. We can create our experience of life at every moment, but we need to stop blaming our experiences on other people.

When we are truthful, express genuine emotion, and make a commitment to live by design we can transform our lives. So, go ahead and make a commitment to own your experience and to live by design. I’m building a new doghouse and then I’ll express my sentiments to my one and only, Ambrosia. Now, that's living by design!

With lovingkindness,

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Don’t Worry About It!

What is worry? Worry is when we try to control things that are out of our control. When we cannot control something we worry about it, but worrying never solves anything. Worry does not solve any of our problems whether they are relational, career, or economic.
Out of all living things, humans are the only beings that worry. Worry is a learned response. The good news is it can be unlearned. Worry is simply unnatural and unhelpful. Our bodies are not designed to worry, and therefore when we worry it causes unnecessary stress.
Worry cannot change the past, or control the future, but worrying can screw up your present happiness. Studies show that worriers live less. Why be miserable when you can be happy? Gee whiz, all this worrying is making me sick!
With lovingkindness,

Friday, August 7, 2015


With the electronic age, the cultural environment is increasingly monopolized, homogenized, and globalized. The Internet has contributed, but broadcasting is still the most concentrated, homogenized, and globalized medium. The learning of culture is no longer associated with family, schools, church or even community, but from television and that’s not a good message.
In the US, top advertisers pay for network television. Four networks are associated with transnational corporations that control the majority of production and distribution. What is more, these entities shape the cultural mainstream leaving out minority interests and views. To combat this, we need more media and critical viewing literacy.
The dominant perspective can be challenged by a counterculture that supports creative workers struggling for more freedom of expression which no longer need to present life as a commodity designed for a market of consumers. We must make a counterculture decision and mold ourselves into our own image versus the one associated with the dominant view. So be the person your dog thinks you are!
With lovingkindness,