Thursday, August 13, 2015

Don’t Worry About It!

What is worry? Worry is when we try to control things that are out of our control. When we cannot control something we worry about it, but worrying never solves anything. Worry does not solve any of our problems whether they are relational, career, or economic.
Out of all living things, humans are the only beings that worry. Worry is a learned response. The good news is it can be unlearned. Worry is simply unnatural and unhelpful. Our bodies are not designed to worry, and therefore when we worry it causes unnecessary stress.
Worry cannot change the past, or control the future, but worrying can screw up your present happiness. Studies show that worriers live less. Why be miserable when you can be happy? Gee whiz, all this worrying is making me sick!
With lovingkindness,

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