Friday, May 1, 2015

Creativity: The Highest Form of Intelligence

What happened to creative learning? Today, many curriculums are based on what seems to translate to rote memorization and regurgitation of course material. It seems students are being shortchanged at the hands of a system that prides itself on test results more-so than the gift of creative learning.
Creativity is the ability to come up with new ideas, but schools trains us to suppress our creative thinking, and we are most often measured by knowledge recall instead of knowledge creation.  For society, it’s much safer to use tried and true methodologies for testing. It’s unfortunate that creativity, our highest form of intelligence, is not well-measured.
Studies show that highly creative people are intelligent but highly intelligent people are not always creative (check out the Handbook of Creativity, page 261 for more). Creativity is a higher form of intelligence and the highest level in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Today, we have enough time to focus on self-actualization because we have moved beyond the need for survival. Now is the time to align with our highest form of intelligence, and for me that means I should stop thinking about tasty hot dogs and get creative!
With lovingkindness,

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