Friday, February 26, 2016

Shovel the Snow to Reap Unexpected Rewards

Shoveling the snow is hard work. If we shoveled the snow only when we felt like it, not much would get done. We must proceed by faith and not by feelings. I don’t always feel like giving people my time because it’s so precious to me, but feelings should not be what drive us.
There is a blessing to be received by doing things we don’t feel like doing. We need to work in spite of our feelings. What would happen if we all lived by feelings? Nothing! Nothing would ever get done. Move forward with faith and you will be rewarded.
With lovingkindness,

Friday, February 12, 2016

What is the Necessary Step Toward Success?


When people reflect on their lives, most wish they acted on their desires. People regret what they haven’t done in life, not what they have done.
The people who do or try the most fail the most. People who fail go back to the drawing board to regroup and strategize. Failure is often the necessary step to success. 
Being afraid to fail is normal, but inaction leads to regret, and that is worse than failure. With new ideas, it’s impossible to predict everything. So, don’t be afraid of failure because it leads to success!
With lovingkindness,


Friday, February 5, 2016

Happiness Is A Choice

Regret, worry, resentment have no place in your heart if you want to be happy, so forget the past and look forward to the future. Christians and others who believe in the afterlife have nothing to worry about because they are fastened to eternity. The worldly things of the present that go beyond basic necessities do not concern them.
Do not waste your precious energy on the past, press on looking forward to what lies ahead. Your spiritual maturity can be measured by how well you handle and accept change. Choose happiness over worry and make it a habit to be happy! Ambrosia and I have no regret!
With lovingkindness,