Friday, March 25, 2016

Where is your Focus?

Being alive means you will undoubtedly be faced with problems. The key is to stay focused on your purpose when things start falling apart. You cannot control what happens around you. You cannot control what people do, but you can control the way you respond.
Life isn’t easy, but life with a purpose keeps you grounded in your reason for being. It’s essential to stay focused on your purpose no matter what happens around you and then respond accordingly. The good news is no one can take your purpose away.
With lovingkindness,

Friday, March 18, 2016

How to Standout in the Workforce

What makes someone a standout in the workforce? Talent, brilliance, or hard work? The truth of the matter is you can produce great work, and still go unrecognized. Hard work simply isn’t enough. Ideas are needed.
Everyone has ideas and making them known is the easy part. The hard part is having an idea that can be understood and acted upon. What I’ve learned over the years is an idea framed to resonate with the right audience is what’s needed.
They say timing is everything, so make sure the timing of your idea is considered before stating it. Change requires energy, and most people need to see the importance of your idea before they will change their mind.
With lovingkindness,

Friday, March 11, 2016

Settle the Score

It’s hard to control a lot of what happens to you in life, but you can choose how you react. You can get anxious, stressed out and even become depressed, or you can respond with grace and compassion. The key is to think before you act. The choice is yours.
When someone has done you wrong, don’t try to get even. When you do this, you get even, but you fall to their level. Remember; the best possible reaction is to stay calm. It’s not your responsibility to settle the score. Leave that to the man upstairs. It works for me, and I’m just a dog!
With lovingkindness,


Friday, March 4, 2016

The Match of Life

How many times have you said, “I am tired?” I cannot continue.  Think of the movie Rocky. Rocky is in the ring fighting his heart out, but he’s getting beat. The bell rings, and he goes to his corner for some care from his coach. The coach gives him some water, takes care of his cuts, and then, he says some encouraging words before he gets back into the ring again.
Life is a lot like Rocky. We fight, we lose, and then we get up again. Find something that renews your strength and then get back in the ring. Strength renewal can come from believing in something grander than ourselves. Have faith. No one said it would be easy.
With lovingkindness,