Friday, June 24, 2016

Food for Thought

The entire universe is in a state of vibration, and your thoughts may affect the food you prepare and eat. Thought influences food and water. Some people believe you can change food’s molecular structure with a thought, intention or blessing. It’s wise then to prepare and cook food in harmony, so it can easily and happily be absorbed into your system. Make delicious food, share it with others and eat with good company.
The next time you prepare a meal do so with love and gratitude and distribute your positive energy. Put positive thoughts into the food you make and share it. Merge food harmoniously into your body and eat slowly, making sure to relish the taste. Feed others with love, compassion, and inspiration; that’s what we do at Hotdogueculure and remember food has the potential to heal us.
With lovingkindness,

Friday, June 17, 2016

The Biggest Weed in the Garden

Discouragement is the biggest weed to stifle any flowers that have taken root in a garden, especially when the flowering plants are young without enough water and sun to help them grow. Discouragement is aimed at everyone, especially those who are trying to do good.
When you’re exhausted discouragement settles in because your defenses are lowered and things seem worse than they are. When tasks pile up, it’s natural to feel frustrated and overwhelmed. Do what’s right in spite of your feelings. The choice is yours!
With lovingkindness,

Friday, June 10, 2016

The Secret to Changing Others

Humans tend to be discontent. We always want more of everything, and we hold onto negative thoughts. Positive thinking can help change us, but it cannot change the other person. So how can we change the other person you may ask?
Prayer. Prayer is the one thing that will change others, and you will be changed in the process as well. The quickest way to achieve change is by aligning with the changemaker. We must move from self-centered thinking to God-centered thinking. It’s that simple, but yet so hard because we’re all conditioned to put ourselves first.
With lovingkindess,