I’ve always been a great
believer in success through dedication and hard work versus relying on smartness
to get ahead. My canine friends and I have observed humans for a very long time
and have seen the results of dedicated individuals with passion who become high
Angela Duckworth from the
University of Pennsylvania has proven that my dog instincts are always right. She has conducted research
that focuses on a personality trait she calls "grit." She defines
grit as "sticking with things over the very long term until you master
them." Call it what you will. I believe in the old-fashioned word “dedication.”
Angela believes when it comes to high achievement; intelligence isn’t a critical success factor but grit is. One of her studies showed that smarter students had less grit. To sum up her findings, there are smart people that aren’t high achievers, and there are others who don’t score high on tests who achieve so much more.
Angela believes when it comes to high achievement; intelligence isn’t a critical success factor but grit is. One of her studies showed that smarter students had less grit. To sum up her findings, there are smart people that aren’t high achievers, and there are others who don’t score high on tests who achieve so much more.
I’m a dog. I have natural grrrrit.
See my teeth, but I wouldn’t mind having some milk right about now to wash down
these amazing hot dogs…. Hmmm, so good!
With lovingkindness,