Welcome to, Frankly
Speaking, a blog about food, culture and moving toward enlightenment. This
blog launches the same day our website HotDogue Culture begins. Visit us at
hotdogculture.com to learn more about our story.
So let me introduce myself. My name is Frank Russell, the
mascot of HotDogue Culture, and the author of this blog, Frankly Speaking. I am a feisty Jack Russell with a need to feed my
soul and fuel my body with great tasting food. I have some pet peeves which
gets me into trouble, but other than that I feel pretty much at peace. I love a
great story whether it comes from a Greek village or Hollywood, but stories can
be calculating, especially the stories we tell ourselves. The stories, our minds
tell us, can be dangerous to ourselves, as well as to our collective souls. With
these stories, there’s always a problem that needs to be resolved, and in the brain,
our false self is kept alive by our mind’s story or merely the sum of our thoughts.
It’s no wonder that conflict is the essential ingredient of a well-told story.
I believe listening to ourselves is the art of living a full
life but this listening must come from when we feel joy and not from our
conditioned, ego, which is driven by thoughts that drive us insane. I too am
guilty of being driven by my ego. Yes, dogs have egos too but they are more
primal than humans! The ego seeks more of everything, and it’s never satisfied.
It is a cycle of dissatisfaction. I know I have been there… right next to you
programmed driven humans with primitive flight or fight responses. It always
seems to be that our goals belong to someone else, and our achievements are
never enough, so we are always seeking something more, better and higher! Once we
get it… the cycle begins again… the cycle of dissatisfaction.
HotDogue Culture is a project that came from the art of learning
to live and listen. It is an incredible journey inward manifested outward, and
I share this tasty treat with the community. It’s a place to explore ideas,
inspire conversation and feed our souls with compassion and awareness. We must
learn to follow what makes us truly happy and not our ego driven thoughts. When
we feel joy that is a sign that we are moving homeward and closer to our true passion.
Our talents and our interests will help guide us to happiness. Just listen. It’s
our destiny to be happy!
Live your life more fully, no bun intended and leave your
unique dogue print on the world!
With lovingkindness,
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