Friday, November 25, 2016

Super Grateful Leads to New Solutions

In the U.S., Thanksgiving is celebrated once a year. But we should be thankful for what we have all year long. We need to give thanks for our blessings on a daily basis. We need to practice gratitude. Happiness is not the absence of problems; it's the ability to deal with them!

It’s hard to see the positive things in our lives when there are all kinds of obstacles in the way, but this is a good time to be grateful. Gratitude helps us see our situation in a way that can lessen our panic, as well as open up our thinking to new solutions. Just remember to be super grateful for all your blessings!!!

With lovingkindness,

Friday, November 18, 2016

Pleasant Memories are a Choice

What should we remember about people? The answer is simple. Remember the good. We shouldn’t dwell on painful memories, but instead, we should focus on the good in people.

We should be grateful for our friends and relatives because perfect people do not exist. Focus on their strengths and not their weaknesses. We must release any hurt so we can enjoy being around them.

We can choose what we’re going to remember about the past, so remember the good experiences and stop focusing on the negative. Pleasant memories are a choice so choose to remember the good! My friends and I enjoy watching baseball games wearing our coolest shades, and those are experiences to remember!

With lovingkindness,

Saturday, November 12, 2016

A New Perspective on Creativity

Creativity is a function of curiosity and imagination. Knowledge and evaluation are imperative too. Creative people observe and make use of all of their senses. Individuals who are creative perceive the world in new ways, and they turn their imagination into reality.
A few things to increase creativity are: read things you don’t usually read, experience as much as you can, be careful of how your perceive things, let ideas incubate, recognize patterns, connect new dots, redefine problems or issues, and last but not least look where others are not looking.

For creativity to emerge it’s important to question and observe, and be open to different ideas and perspectives. Beliefs that only special, talented people are creative are a myth. Creative people practice just like athletes do, and creativity is a crucial factor for future success.
With lovingkindness,

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Saying “I’m Sorry” Isn't Enough

For a relationship to be restored we need to go beyond the words, “I’m sorry.” We need to admit we were wrong, and at the same time we need to be truly sorry. It’s hard to “forgive and forget” because you cannot forget when someone has hurt you, but you can trust that from the hurt good can come out of it.

Unfortunately, rebuilding trust between two people can be  complicated. Forgiveness is unconditional and should be immediate, but trust takes time. For a relationship to continue there must be change by the person (or dog in my case) that has caused the pain.

So, when things turn sour, we must admit we were wrong, and we need to be truly sorry. There is no other way. And if you're madly in love like me, making up is the best part of it all!

With lovingkindness,