Saturday, November 5, 2016

Saying “I’m Sorry” Isn't Enough

For a relationship to be restored we need to go beyond the words, “I’m sorry.” We need to admit we were wrong, and at the same time we need to be truly sorry. It’s hard to “forgive and forget” because you cannot forget when someone has hurt you, but you can trust that from the hurt good can come out of it.

Unfortunately, rebuilding trust between two people can be  complicated. Forgiveness is unconditional and should be immediate, but trust takes time. For a relationship to continue there must be change by the person (or dog in my case) that has caused the pain.

So, when things turn sour, we must admit we were wrong, and we need to be truly sorry. There is no other way. And if you're madly in love like me, making up is the best part of it all!

With lovingkindness,

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