Thursday, September 17, 2015

Turning Goals Inside Out

Where do goals come from? Our goals and our ideas of success come from our parents, media, and society at large, but our true purpose should be an internal matter, not an external one. Most people are influenced by the media and look to secure a job that offers money, title, and prestige, which does not guarantee happiness.
The road to happiness is a lot easier when we work on internal goals. The best way to find happiness is to find internal goals such as confidence and self-esteem. The good news is internal goals can be achieved at any age. An external goal such as playing for the NFL is not an achievable goal at eighty.
So why do we stress over external goals? It’s true that basic material resources are needed, but beyond that, it makes no difference. Everybody wants to be happy, right? Seek an internal goal that will guarantee happiness. To be internally focused is to be spiritually secure and no one can take that away from you. Does upside down count? No, I suppose not.
With lovingkindness,

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