Friday, July 31, 2015

Stop Shopping for What You Already Have

What we seek is within us. You don’t need to get anything from outside yourself. Love, peace and happiness are within each and every one of us. To get what you want, you must first be what you want. If you seek love, give love. You will feel the love when you’re giving it to someone else.
We are taught to believe that to feel love we have to go and get it from someone else. When you seek something in return, you are defeating the whole purpose. In this case, you’re not giving but receiving. When you want something, you’re blocking the power of your energy. Love has no expectation, only the ego does. You can live by learned beliefs or from your innate self. The choice is yours.
Attachment to your beliefs is the ego’s domain, and it’s the root of all suffering. The ego will resist when you try and access your intrinsic self. Thoughts will arise, and you will sabotage your true being. We must get rid of learned beliefs and clear the pathway to our essential truth. When you know who you are and understand your innate values, then you don’t need to seek anything from outside yourself. You don’t need any material obsession or possession. As for me, I'll buy one more wig, and I promise I’ll stop shopping!
With lovingkindness,


Friday, July 24, 2015

Are you a Servant Leader or an Ego-Driven Leader?

Leadership is getting work done through other people. It's not about manipulating people but inspiring them. Servant leaders are service-centered rather than self-centered. Servant leaders are humble and modest, and they are risk-takers who promote others over themselves. Servant leaders are committed; they care about the people they lead, and they are guided by their morals, not their egos.
The servant leader does not promote self over others, or even talks without listening. The leader who puts service first, before their title, is a leader who serves others. The servant leader is not the one with the biggest car or the biggest house. Do you want to impress people or influence them? A servant leader focuses on being significant rather than prominent, and they help employees see the significance of their work.
A company’s biggest asset and advantage is people. Employees should be valued and well rewarded for their contributions, and leaders should be evaluated on how well they support the success of employees. Are you a servant leader who is passionate about creating a better world? Get off your high horse and join the Dogue culture! Now that’s something to bark about.
With lovingkindness,

Friday, July 17, 2015

Why do Dogs Yelp?

Every person has lived a different life, and so they’ve had different experiences that lead them to different perspectives. People can interpret the same communicative material differently due to their background. How one person interprets their reality is based on everything they have experienced up to this point. When two people are trying to communicate, one person is talking based on everything they have learned, while the other person is receiving based on an entirely different set of factors.
To add to that, language affects our perspective. Language and culture have a large part in how communication works between two people. It’s obvious that two people speaking different languages will have trouble communicating, but it’s not so obvious when two people speaking the same language, who are brought up in two different cultures, may have trouble understanding one another. Language helps define our communication, and culture can affect communication by way of perspective and worldview.
Let’s look at the metaphor of the brain as a computer. Computers have different operating systems such as Windows or Mac. In addition, computers can have different levels of RAM, hard drives, or processors, which can alter how a computer runs. The same could be said for humans.  Each piece of communicative material that is viewed by someone affects how they receive and process incoming information. The variety of perspectives people have suggests that communicating effectively is no easy task. As for me… a series of yelps means, "I'm hurting!"
With lovingkindness,

Friday, July 10, 2015

Culture: The Secret Ingredient to Good Business Practice

A great company has a well-articulated purpose and a culture of respect and empowerment. Good leaders believe in themselves and their capabilities but focus on the needs of other people. Consumers no longer want to have more, but they want to be more, and companies need to concentrate on these needs. Consumers want to live their true purpose of life and that goes for good business practice as well.
HotDogue Culture has a passionate appetite, and that is to help you live a significant life by offering bits of content with a twist and thought-provoking quotes. We aim to feed the inspiration and nurture the human spirit to make unlike-minded, innovative connections. Our hope is for everyone to find their passion and true purpose in life. Geez, and I thought our greatest significance was the secret ingredient that is found in our hot dog sauce, stupid me, but I’m only a cute canine named Frank.
Winston Churchill said, “We shape our culture and thereafter it shapes us.” Leaders need to create cultures rooted in trust, compassion, and authenticity, that is, companies must live out their true purpose, which is to be more rather than sell more. Dang, I was hoping for a Gucci collar with rhinestones for my next birthday.
With lovingkindness,

Friday, July 3, 2015

Hollywood is Screwing up our Chance for Real Love

So you’ve watched a lot of romantic comedies and have the impression that couples go through life holding hands and gazing into each other’s eyes for hours without looking away?  In Hollywood movies the romantic comedy is based on the concept of boy meets girl, boy loses girl and boy gets girl back. In these films, the couple lives happily ever after, which means everything is wonderful between boy and girl. 
I must say I am a sucker for a great romantic comedy and have enjoyed films like Pretty Women, Sleepless in Seattle, and Something’s Gotta Give. These films have provided escape, as well as desire for a romantic kind of love in my canine relationships. Ironically, the only thing stories have in common with real life is that our bodies change when we listen to a story, much like when we are “in-love” infused by a chemical cocktail.
From childhood, we are sold a particular idea about what love should be. We believe in love at first sight and happily ever after. Little girls are taught by society that they will grow up and meet prince charming, get married and have children. Hollywood portrays the central theme of marriage in television and movies. Advertisers promise “a diamond is forever.” The media have done us a great disservice by promoting a reality that isn’t obtainable.
People get confused about love and infatuation because they see how this is played out in television and films – people meet and have a strong physical attraction. Unfortunately, this is called love in television and films, but we should not base our relationships on such images. I hate to tell you this, but there’s no such thing as “love at first sight.” People may have witnessed “infatuation at first sight” which with some luck could lead to love.
With lovingkindness,

Identity Crisis: From Branded-Breasts to Botox for Dogs

You can’t please everyone all the time, so why even try? Just like a brand cannot be all things to all people, humans cannot connect deeply with all individuals. We are all drawn to brands who express self-confidence and our relationships with people are no different. Great brands know if you try to be all things to all people, you won’t connect deeply with anyone. I think this is a great lesson for humans.
I often over...hear people talk about their looks, fashion, Botox, fillers, breast implants, etc. Regardless of whether you live in Hollywood or a Greek village, people all over the world are pressured by the media industry. What the media dictates influences both male and female perspective. There’s not one branded-breast for all people just like there is not one brand-centric company for all individuals. It‘s overwhelming how insecure people can be, but it’s not surprising. The media and its messages are overpowering, but we need to remember we are more than our looks. We are spirit.
I recommend we start inside and work on our internal identity. It’s important to develop a strong core and inner self just like brand-centric organizations do. Your behavior, image and communication will flow from that. A strong brand identity will attract the ideal customer much like strong personal identity will attract the right people in your life. Great brands challenge trends. Great people should do the same. Stay strong and be your best self! Dogtox, anyone? I know, it’s a dog-eat-dog world!
With lovingkindness,