Friday, July 10, 2015

Culture: The Secret Ingredient to Good Business Practice

A great company has a well-articulated purpose and a culture of respect and empowerment. Good leaders believe in themselves and their capabilities but focus on the needs of other people. Consumers no longer want to have more, but they want to be more, and companies need to concentrate on these needs. Consumers want to live their true purpose of life and that goes for good business practice as well.
HotDogue Culture has a passionate appetite, and that is to help you live a significant life by offering bits of content with a twist and thought-provoking quotes. We aim to feed the inspiration and nurture the human spirit to make unlike-minded, innovative connections. Our hope is for everyone to find their passion and true purpose in life. Geez, and I thought our greatest significance was the secret ingredient that is found in our hot dog sauce, stupid me, but I’m only a cute canine named Frank.
Winston Churchill said, “We shape our culture and thereafter it shapes us.” Leaders need to create cultures rooted in trust, compassion, and authenticity, that is, companies must live out their true purpose, which is to be more rather than sell more. Dang, I was hoping for a Gucci collar with rhinestones for my next birthday.
With lovingkindness,

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